Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy Technique (QHHT) is a form of hypnotherapy that combines traditional hypnosis techniques with the exploration of past lives and higher states of consciousness. It was developed by Dolores Cannon, a renowned hypnotherapist and regressionist, who used this method to explore and heal various physical and emotional issues in her clients.
QHHT is a technique is rooted in the idea that the subconscious mind holds a vast amount of information and can access not only past memories but also information about the individual's higher self or soul.
The QHHT process typically involves inducing a deep state of relaxation and guiding the individual into a hypnotic or trance-like state. In this altered state of consciousness, the therapist can facilitate communication with the individual's subconscious mind, allowing them to access memories and experiences from past lives, parallel dimensions, or higher planes of existence.
The primary goals of Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy include:
Exploration of Past Lives: Clients may experience regression to past lives, where they can gain insights into unresolved issues, relationships, or traumas that may be influencing their current life.
Communication with Higher Self: Practitioners seek guidance from the client's higher self or inner wisdom, believing that it holds valuable information about the individual's life purpose, lessons, and the root causes of physical or emotional challenges.
Healing and Transformation: QHHT aims to facilitate healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. By identifying and addressing the root causes of issues, individuals may experience profound healing and personal transformation.